Monday, October 3, 2016

Vocabulary: Fall List #5

Venomous- Full of malice or spite
The teenager replied with a venomous tone.
Stolid- calm, dependable, and showing little emotion or animation
My physics teacher is very stolid.
Hypnotized- Capture the whole attention of someone
The kids were hypnotized by the magic trick that one of the parents showed them.
Suspended- temporarily prevent from continuing or being in force or effect.
The two highschoolers were suspended from their school for starting a fight. 
Transformed- make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance, or character of
The character of the story was able to transform from a immature to a responsible kid.
Accuse- Charge someone with a crime
The lady was accused of stealing the purse from the story. 
Anticipate- regard as probable; expect or predict.
They were anticipating that their package would arrive in at least 3 days. 
Fringe- not part of the mainstream; unconventional, peripheral, or extreme
The store was very fringe compared to the ones near the houses.  
Melancholy- a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause
The surrounding area of the forest had a melancholy feeling to it.
Earnestly- implies having a purpose and being steadily and soberly eager in pursuing it
Most students have a earnest feeling about graduating. 
Dissolve- close down or dismiss
The city's old mall was dissolving into a abandoned building.
Aggravate- make worse or more serious
The students were only making the student more aggravating. 
Illuminate- Light up
The girl's feelings were illuminated after hanging out with her friends. 
Capillary- any of the fine branching blood vessels that form a network between the arterioles and venules
The capillary's work on taking oxygen within the blood to the rest of the body. 
Proboscis-  the nose of a mammal, especially when it is long and mobile
Most animals have a proboscis on them. 

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