Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Presentation Notes

Alexis "Shorty" Garcia
 -Healthy lifestyle
-Stay hydrated, no fast food
-worked on core, legs by running
-Mile was 6:40 to 4:38
Alex Hernandez
-Tribemates are accepted into manhood when they put their hand in a casing full of ants 20 times.
- The dancing they do distracts them from the pain
-Their hand are all numb
-Idealogy is to desperate people because they are different
-People seen as labels, when we should be seeing people for what they really are.
-Quotes Martin Luther King
-Loves America but doesn't agree with everything they do.
- Took Native American's land
-Took slaves from America
-Iraq is just for economic oil
-America is the bad guys
- Bipolar weather
- Bipolar means opposites or extreme change in a short amount of time
- Florida can be sunny then all of a sudden be cloudy and have a thunder storm in short amount of time
- This can be dangerous
-Transform planet, protect animals
-Being used for profit, including us
- 56 billion farm animals killed, measured in tons
- The bad conditions lessen their age
- Pigs can be smart as a 3 year old
- Humans make mistakes
- Robots can't feel emotions but might soon
- Animals are similar to humans
- Animals don't have a self-conciseness
- Humans can adapt to any situation
- Business
- Time, dedication
- Risks; location, stocks, products
- being your own boss
- Lot of passion
- Be prepared for rejection
- Demand your success
- Racism
-people hugging a white guy
-sign says, "do you trust me"
-Switches with a friend, that is African American
-No one hugs him
-How do the Cartel work?

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

May 2nd

As for now, I'm thinking about to make a video talking about videogames but I still don't know what to do. I want to be able to edit the video really well but I don't know how to do that. So for now that's all I have but later I'll keep updating this post when new ideas pop up.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Ignite talks

My big question was what separates the pro-gamers from other players that also play games. What I did to solve for this is that I went into streams on a site called Twitch where people steam themselves playing games and some of them are pro players playing the game that got them where they are at today. I learned that in order to become pro in a game is to play the game and be able to see what you did as a mistake and what you could've done to not make that mistake. The way that I see this as a connection is that it relates to how sometimes if you want to really do something then you should keep practicing it. As for what I'm doing next, I'll probably play games with my mind set to see what I am doing wrong and how to improve.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Topic for Big Questions

As of now, I don't have a specific specific topic but I know that it is going to be about videogames as of now I have two ideas:

How are some ways to improve yourself in playing games other than playing more often?

What are ways that pros play differently than the people who play the game regularly and how are they able to better themselves?

For this type of question, I went to streams found on where I would sometimes go for to watch people stream games. Sometimes even pro-players would stream at times and I would watch. The reason why I bring this up is that you are able to ask them questions.

I was able to ask them questions on how to become better at a game or how they went pro. Most answers were answered by people that I watch the most often. Answer were:

1.) Play the game often. The reason for this is because if you want to be good at a game you have to have experience with it so you can know how things work in the game and in order to improve yourself.

2.) See how to improve yourself. One of the streamers that I watch often on the site is called Scarra, who was a pro league of legend player, on the site and in my opinion the best streamer that is able to say his mistakes when he messes up and what he could've done to not make that mistake.

3.)  The last notable one was that if you want to get good at a game it should be one that you enjoy since if you want to be good at something it should be                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Essay for Fahrenheit Clarisse

     Ray Bradbury for the most part is able to put his tone on all of his characters, some easily distinguishable while others you have to stick together using the very few hints he leaves in order for the reader to piece together. The ones where Bradbury is able to put the most detail in a character are the ones that he can put the most of his ideas/beliefs and although the opposite he puts a lot of detail into beliefs that he doesn't agree with. This may not make sense in that a person puts a large amount of detail into something he doesn't believe in but this is important to Bradbury. He is able to learn why people think in these beliefs and can come up with counters when they bring it up. One person who is like this in the books is Beatty who is the ideas that Bradbury doesn't agree with. While the other person who has the beliefs that Bradbury agrees with is Clarisse, who isn't in the book for a long time but is able to be a big part for Montag.
     Clarisse is a character that at first would seem like a normal character seen in a lot of books, she is able to talk to Montag and strike up what is seen as normal conversation. Later on in the book though Bradbury is able to establish why she is in the book. Throughout the beginning of the book, the reader is able to see that the world in Fahrenheit 451 isn't like out world and instead people don't have a real connection to the people around them and to themselves. They instead have a "family" on wall sized TVs that they spend time with. Clarisse on the other is talks to everyone and says that everyone calls her crazy since she talks to people and socializes with them. The world in the books states that the schools consider her "anti-social" since she always wants to talk to people even thought she is actually the direct opposite of being anti-social but is deemed as this since kids in her school just stay quiet and do whatever they are told to do without asking questions. Clarisse on the other hand is always curious on how the world works and always asks questions in order to get a better understanding on why people do certain things like why Montag burns books and even he doesn't know why except that he is told to burn them. Bradbury puts this in the book because he wants people to be curios about the world and ask questions no matter how small or large they can be. At the end, Clarisse is a character that is the embodiment of Bradbury's beliefs.
     As for Beatty, he is the beliefs that Bradbury doesn't agree with inside a character. Beatty is Montag's boss who is against books and people like Clarisse and Montag who have their own thought and say whatever they want. Beatty through out the story is not talked about much but when he does show up he is described with a lot of detail. Bradbury makes Beatty not very likeable throughout the book. Beatty states that if someone doesn't like something then they should get rid of it, this seems good at first since it will make everyone happy it seems but the actual affects is that it makes people try to kill themselves since they don't have anything to really talk about to other people since they can't share their opinion to other people since they can't think by themselves and instead have people boss them around. Bradbury always wanted people to let their people to talk about anything they want to talk to each other and ask questions which is what Beatty is against and tries to stop. In summary, Beatty is the beliefs that Bradbury thinks is wrong to him.
     Overall throughout the entire book we see what Bradbury establishes is good and what is bad according to him by using character we see as good throughout the book and also the ones we see as bad in the book. Bradbury is able to use direct and indirect characterization in the book to get a better understanding of these characters, which helps the reader get a better understanding of these two characters. Clarisse is seen in the book as what someone should be according to Bradbury and also Beatty, who is someone that Bradbury sets up to be what people shouldn't be.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Questions for pages 133-147

1.) The food left for Montag is the first time where Montag has ever shown care for since Mildred didn't really cared what he did except for when it has something involving with her.
2.) It was actually a dear that was just in the forest.
3.) He thought that fire's only purpose is to destroy things but with the fire he saw it was actually helping a group of people stay warm.
4.) Gragner is a writer who wrote a book. There is Fred Clement a professor from Cambridge, there is also Dr.Simmons who is from UCLA, professor West did ethnics for Columbia University. All these people that Montag meets all had to do with either books and/or would often tell people how something should be work.
5.) On the show, it shows the helicopter following the dog, who are both heading the opposite direction from where Montag was going. Gragner tells them that they knew that Montag got away but didn't want to admit it to the public, so they set up a man who wanders out to be the scapegoat, so they can end the chase.
6.) Gragner says that they made the right mistakes because he believes that even though they made mistakes they were able to learn from it. Another way to see what he says is that even though they were exiled from the city, they would say that it was worth it because it was right to them.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

A step ahead of the hound

1.) At Blacks house he decides to leave the remaining books there in order for the firefighters to arrive at his house and burn it down. 
2.) Faber describes the war as funny because while is happening they don't notice since they have their own troubles to deal with. 
3.) Faber's TV is as small as a postal card and states that he always wanted a small one so he could hide it in the palm of his hands. 
4.) Montag saw that they were showing the the whereabouts of Montag and then they reveal another mechanical hound that will track him down. They state that this hound is able to remember the smell of thousands of people and easily track Montag. 
5.) He was heading toward the river in order to jump into it before everyone looked outside to see him.